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Crypto-ware is out there and destroys businesses. If your data is held for ransom what can you do?
With a good backup solution the answer is restore it and move on. But without one you could be forced to pay the ransom and hope the theives are honest enough to fulfill their promises.

Why Do You Need Backups?
Easy, Stuff Happens!
Disaster Recovery
The Reality
"60 Percent of Small Businesses Fold Within 6 Months of a Cyber Attack."
"Many business owners don’t realize they are at risk. Many think they are protected, only to find out the hard way that they were far more exposed than they thought. Even more think, 'well gosh, that will never happen to me.'
Little did they know."
"29% of midmarket companies say breaches cost them less than $100K. 20% say it costs $1,000,000-$2,499,999"
Data Loss Reality
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